Philosopher with an initial background in physics and engineering, I am SNF professor at the Institute of Philosophy of Universität Bern, Switzerland. Since January 2024, and for five years, I lead the SNF PRIMA Grant project “Climate Change Adaptation through the Feminist Kaleidoscope — Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Climate Science“. The research team is presented on the website of the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR). I am released from my position as CNRS researcher at the CNRM in France.
My research stands in philosophy of science, feminist philosophy and social epistemology. I first specialised in the epistemological questions relative to scientific representations, including mathematical models, computer simulations and visual representations. I dedicate for several years my research to climate science and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In particular, I am interested in the treatment and communication of climate uncertainties, the influence of socioeconomic values in knowledge production, or the production of usable expertise for policy-making.
Pages: Academia and ResearchGate