JEBEILE, Julie. Épistémologie des modèles et des simulations numériques. De la représentation à la compréhension scientifique, préface d’Anouk Barberousse, 2019, CNRS éditions, collection ALPHA, EAN : 9782271086143, 222 p., 15 x 23 cm, lien vers la maison d’édition.

Articles dans revues internationales
BALDISSERA PACCHETTI, Marina, JEBEILE, Julie & THOMPSON, Erica. For a pluralism of climate modelling strategies, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), 2024, 105, E1350–E1364, article
JEBEILE, Julie. From regional climate models to usable information, Climatic Change, 2024, 177, 53, article
MAJSZAK, Mason & JEBEILE, Julie. Expert judgment in climate science: how it is used and how it can be justified, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 2023, 100, 32-38, article
JEBEILE, Julie, LAM, Vincent, MAJSZAK, Mason & RÄZ, Tim. Machine learning and the quest for objectivity in climate model parameterization, Climatic Change, 2023, 176, 101, article
JEBEILE, Julie & ROUSSOS, Joe. Usability of climate information: toward a new scientific framework, WIREs Climate Change, 2023, 14:5, article
DROUET, Isabelle, ANDLER, Daniel, BARBEROUSSE, Anouk & JEBEILE, Julie. Expert reports by large multidisciplinary groups: the case of the International Panel on Climate Change, Synthese, 2021, 199, 14491-14508, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie & CRUCIFIX, Michel. Value management and model pluralism in climate science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 2021, 88, août, 120-127, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie & BARBEROUSSE, Anouk. Model spread and progress in climate modelling, European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2021, article + preprint
ARDOUREL, Vincent & JEBEILE, Julie. Numerical instability and dynamical systems, European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2021, 11:49, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie, LAM, Vincent & RÄZ, Tim. Understanding Climate Change with Statistical Downscaling and Machine Learning, Synthese, 2020, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie. The Kac ring or the art of making idealisations, Foundations of Physics, 2020, 50:10, 1152-1170, article
JEBEILE, Julie. Values and objectivity in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Social Epistemology, 2020, 34:5, 453-468, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie & CRUCIFIX, Michel. Multi-model ensembles in climate science: mathematical structures and expert judgements, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 2020, 83, octobre, 44-52, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie & ARDOUREL, Vincent. Verification and Validation of simulations against holism, Minds and Machines, 2019, 29:1, 149-168, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie. Collaborative scientific practice, epistemic dependence and opacity: the case of space telescope data processing, Philosophia Scientiae, 2018, 22:2, 59-68, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie. Explaining with simulations. Why visual representations matter, Perspectives on Science, 2018, 26:2, mars-avril, 213-238, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie. Computer simulation, experiment, and novelty, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 2017, 31:4, 379-395, article + preprint
ARDOUREL, Vincent & JEBEILE, Julie. On the presumed superiority of analytical solutions over numerical methods, European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2017, 7, 201-220, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie. Les simulations sont-elles des expériences numériques ?, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue canadienne de philosophie, 55:01, 2016, 59-86, article
JEBEILE, Julie & BARBEROUSSE, Anouk. Empirical agreement in model validation, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 56, avril 2016, 168–174, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie & KENNEDY, Ashley. Explaining with models: the role of idealizations, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 2015, 29:4, 383–392, article + preprint
Chapitres d’ouvrages collectifs à comité de lecture
JEBEILE, Julie. Objectivité du GIEC, in: Israel-Jost, V. (ed.), Objectivité(s), Collection « Science, éthique et société », Academia, l’Harmattan, 2021, 127-151, lien vers la maison d’édition
BARBEROUSSE, Anouk & JEBEILE, Julie. How do the validations of simulations and experiments compare ?, in Beisbart, C. & Saam, N. J. (eds.) Computer Simulation Validation – Fundamental Concepts, Methodological Frameworks, and Philosophical Perspectives, Springer series: Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications, 2019, 925-942, article
JEBEILE, Julie. Idealizations in empirical modeling, dans Lenhard, J. et Carrier, M. (eds.) Mathematics as a tool, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 2017, 212-232, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie. Centrale nucléaire : notre nouvelle Tour de Babel ?, dans Guay, A. et Ruphy, S. (eds.) Science, philosophie, société, IVe congrès de la SPS, Presses universitaires de France-Comté, collection Sciences : concepts et problèmes, 2017, 143-158, article
JEBEILE, Julie. Nuclear Power Plant: our New Tower of Babel? dans C. Luetge et J. Jauernig (eds.), Business Ethics and Risk Management, Ethical Economy, Volume 43, Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht, 2014, 129-143, article + preprint
JEBEILE, Julie. Le tournant computationnel dans les sciences : la fin d’une philosophie de la connaissance, in M. Silberstein & F. Varenne (eds.) Modéliser & simuler. Epistémologies et pratiques de la modélisation et de la simulation, tome 1, Editions Matériologiques, 2013, 171-189, article